UC offers a wide range of sport-related courses, primarily through the Discipline of Sport and Exercise Science in the Faculty of Health. A number of courses are also offered in collaboration with other disciplines in other faculties, ensuring that specific expertise is brought to the areas of sport, exercise and physical activity.

PhD and Honours opportunities
UCRISE offers scholarships for PhD and Honours projects. If you are interested in applying to study at UCRISE, please contact the academic supervisor in the listed project descriptions or email to ucrise@canberra.edu.au.

School visits
You can book your school into a UCRISE education session at any time throughout the year to suit the sequence of studies implemented within your classroom. Your students will be exposed to world鈥檚 best practice in a comfortable and engaging learning environment that is sure to enrich their knowledge and skill.

UC Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Building 29
11 Kirinari Street
Bruce, 2617