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Patient feedback & quality improvement

Patient Feedback & Quality Improvement

Our practice informs patients and other relevant parties about how we have responded to feedback and use feedback to improve quality.

You Spoke, We Listened, We Acted!

In a recent survey we asked our clients for feedback regarding our service. We want to thank you for your response. It has been a key contributor in assisting us to constantly improve and to make changes that  benefit everyone.

You said that you liked:

  • the respect that we show to our patients,
  • our ability to listen, and
  • that you had confidence in our ability.

You said: We could improve our waiting times. We listened. We acted and are currently in the process of expanding our practice footprint and continue our efforts to recruit new Doctors. We are actively encouraging patients to book long appointments for multiple issues, via HotDoc,  posters in our practice, and our staff.

You said: We could improve access to home and other visits. We listened. We acted. Increased availability of telehealth consultations have been successful in providing increased availability of medical services out of hours to those at home regardless of their physical location.
Did you know that one of our Doctors always carries the After Hours phone for patients to contact and we see patients outside of the centre i.e.: call outs on campus and to student residences.

You said: We could improve our after-hours service. We listened. We acted. One of our Doctors always carries the After Hours phone for patients to contact and  we see patients outside of the centre i.e: call outs on campus and to student residences. Our website also has contact details for emergency and after hours support, such as CALMS, The National Home Doctor Service, Lifeline and Access Mental Health.