Culture and Creativity Seminar – A Statement from Australia’s Carers: A (failed) Quest to Write with Meaning in Public Life
Speaker: Dr. Kim HuynhDate\Time: Thursday 20 Mar 2025, 12:30-13:30Location: Building 1 Level A Room 1A21, ¶ (NB Room 1a21 is accessed from the foyer joining Building 1 and Mizzuna café); or Zoom: AbstractInspired by the Uluru Statement from the Heart, the Statement from Australia’s Carers sets out to represent and increase recognition for Australia’s 3 million unpaid carers. Kim was commissioned to write the Statement in conjunction with bureaucrats and carers by the Department of Social Services. It sits atop the new National Carer Strategy.This seminar reveals the sausage making process behind the Statement. Come to this CCCR event if:You have cared for or been cared by someone.You care about caring.You are concerned about public language.You've ever sat in an office chair and stared at a page or screen and asked, “Must it be like this?”All are welcome! BioKim Huynh teaches politics at the Australian National University and hosts ABC Radio Canberra’s Sunday Brunch. He cares for his father and is a member of Carers ACT. The Culture and Creativity Seminar Series is hosted by the Centre for Cultural and Creative Research (CCCR), Faculty of Arts and Design, ¶. To discover upcoming seminars, please follow us on Facebook @uccccr, or Instagram and Twitter @uc_cccr. Alternatively, join our mailing list by emailing Any questions and accessibility requests please contact: